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意大利都灵理工大学Ettore F. Bompard教授来我校作学术报告

来源:自动化学院   发布时间:2015-06-02

  5月29日下午,意大利都灵理工大学研究生(博士)院副院长(负责国际事务)、第一工程学院副院长(负责国际文化交流)、能源系Ettore F. Bompard教授应自动化学院邀请来我校讲学,在仙林校区第五教学楼207会议室作题为“Emerging Power System Research: Polito’s Focus”的学术报告。自动化学院相关负责人、部分师生参加报告会。

  Ettore F. Bompard教授介绍了都灵理工大学的基本概况、学科设置、学术研究以及国际合作现状;重点解读了都灵理工大学在国际学生申请该校学士、硕士和博士方面的相关政策、国际化科学研究合作的现状。Ettore F. Bompard教授在报告中介绍了都灵理工大学电力系统研究课题组的基本情况和科研成果,以及课题组如何运行博弈论、复杂网络方法、基于GIS 的电力潮流分析等方法研究当前的一些热点问题,如考虑多层动态互动的下一代配电网仿真和建模、电力市场环境下电网物理约束对运行经济性的影响评估、基于地理信息系统(GIS)的电网稳态建模和安全分析等。

  报告会结束时,Ettore F. Bompard教授同与会师生就相关研究热点问题进行了讨论,并热忱欢迎我校师生与都灵理工大学进行交流。


  Prof. Ettore F. Bompard received his Master and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino (Polito), Italy. In May 1997 he joined the Polito, Department of Electrical Engineering (presently Department of Energy), where he is Professor of Power Systems and Ph.D students supervisor. He served as Deputy Director for International Relations of the Doctorate School and Vice-Dean for International Culture of the First School of Engineering at Polito. He has given invited speeches or lectures to various of institutions, such bodies of the European Commission, at the European Parliament, course co-organized by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, and universities, such as University of Cambridge, Technical University in Munich, Delft University of Technology, Leuven University, University College London, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Southeast University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 1999 and 2000, he has been Visiting Assistant Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US), with a Fulbright scholarship for research and lecturing from US Department of State. He has been Power Systems and Critical Infrastructures Senior Scientist at the Energy Systems, Security and market Unit of the Institute for Energy and Transport of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission in Petten (Netherlands) from October 2012 to September 2014. Presently he is scientific advisor, for the European Commission, in the same Institute with specific responsibility for analysis and modelling of the power systems and electricity markets. He has been the scientific coordinator of many research projects in the framework of the Italian System Research on Power Systems, EU FP7 (e.g. “SESAME - Securing the European Electricity Supply Against Malicious and Accidental Threats”, 4 M€; “ICOEUR -Intelligent Coordination of Operation and emergency control of EU and Russian power grids”, 4,8 M€ ), Next Generation Infrastructure (Netherlands) and NATO projects. He served in many scientific advisory boards in Europe, China (e.g. Joint Doctoral Program in Electrical Engineering with Shanghai Jiao Tong University) and Russia (e.g. Russian Academy of Science). He is also Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy and Editor of IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. His research interests include electricity markets analysis and simulation, smart grids design and modelling, power system vulnerability assessment and security management. He co-authored more than 100 publications and book chapters on various topics related to the power systems analysis and modelling.



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