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香港城市大学Daniel W. C. Ho教授来我校作学术报告

来源:自动化学院   发布时间:2015-05-04

  4月29日下午,香港城市大学数学系Daniel W. C. Ho教授应自动化学院邀请来我校讲学,在仙林校区第五教学楼207会议室作题为“Distributed Networked System under Imperfect Communication Constraint”的学术报告。

  Daniel W. C. Ho教授对现有分布式多智能体网络系统理论研究作了系统的报告,着重讲解了网络化控制的三个热点研究问题,即无线传感器网络的目标跟踪、基于量化通信和时延的分布式一致、基于事件触发机制的网络化控制。Daniel W. C. Ho教授指出了网络化控制的多个热点研究方向,并与大家分享了科研和论文写作的个人心得。

  报告会结束时,与会教师、学生与Daniel W. C. Ho教授就相关热点问题进行了交流。


  Prof. Daniel W. C. Ho received BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in mathematics from the University of Salford (UK) in 1980, 1982 and 1986 respectively. From 1985 to 1988, he was a Research Fellow in Industrial Control Unit, University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland). In 1989, he joined the Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong. Prof. Ho serves as Associate Editor for five international Control journals including Journal of Franklin Institute, IET Control Theory and its applications and Asian Journal of Control. He is recipient of “The Best paper award” from the 8th Asian Control Conference. In 2012, he is honored to be the Chang Jiang Chair Professor, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, awarded by Ministry of Education, China. Recently, he has been named in the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2014 published by Thomson Reuters. His general research interests are estimation and filtering theory, complex dynamical distributed networks, multi-agent networks, nonlinear singular systems and stochastic systems.



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