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20140515学术报告通知——Data-driven Control and Optimization for Industrial Processes: Reinforcement Learning and Supervisory Control

来源:自动化教学科研   发布时间:2014-05-13



报告题目:Data-driven Control and Optimization for Industrial Processes: Reinforcement Learning and Supervisory Control

人:Frank L. Lewis


    点:仙林校区自动化学院会议室教5  2071


报告人简介:F.L. Lewis, Fellow IEEE, Fellow IFAC, Fellow U.K. Institute of Measurement & Control, PE Texas, U.K. Chartered Engineer, is Distinguished Scholar Professor, Distinguished Teaching Professor, and Moncrief-O’Donnell Chair at The University of Texas at Arlington Research Institute.  IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer.  He obtained the Bachelor's Degree in Physics/EE and the MSEE at Rice University, the MS in Aeronautical Engineering from Univ. W. Florida, and the Ph.D. at Ga. Tech.  He works in feedback control, reinforcement learning, intelligent systems, and distributed control systems.  He is author of 6 U.S. patents, 250 journal papers, 360 conference papers, 15 books, 44 chapters, and 11 journal special issues.  He received the Fulbright Research Award, NSF Research Initiation Grant, ASEE Terman Award, Int. Neural Network Soc. Gabor Award 2009, U.K. Inst Measurement & Control Honeywell Field Engineering Medal 2009.  Received IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Neural Networks Pioneer Award 2012.  Distinguished Foreign Scholar, Nanjing Univ. Science & Technology. Project 111 Professor at Northeastern University, China. Received Outstanding Service Award from Dallas IEEE Section, selected as Engineer of the Year by Ft. Worth IEEE Section.  Listed in Ft. Worth Business Press Top 200 Leaders in Manufacturing. Received the 2010 IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Engineering Educator Award and the 2010 UTA Graduate Dean’s Excellence in Doctoral Mentoring Award. Elected to UTA Academy of Distinguished Teachers 2012.  He served on the NAE Committee on Space Station in 1995.  Founding Member of the Board of Governors of the Mediterranean Control Association.  Helped win the IEEE Control Systems Society Best Chapter Award (as Founding Chairman of DFW Chapter), the National Sigma Xi Award for Outstanding Chapter (as President of UTA Chapter), and the US SBA Tibbets Award in 1996 (as Director of ARRI’s SBIR Program). 


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